Personal projects
Memohive is a free, personal, smart, and secure knowledge base and a memory store. It combines notes, journal and you can track and document each week of your life.
Started as a hobby project, I have built it fully from ground up. I believe a lot of people can find it useful.
Tech stack: Angular, Node.js, Python, NLTK for Natural Language Processing, GCP, OpenAI api integration.
Work projects
Shared component library
Implemented, managed and maintained component library based on company design guide.
The library includes 100+ reusable components ranging from simple elements like buttons and inputs to entire page templates and is used by 30+ teams.
Config driven forms
Implemented framework for automatic form generation based on json configuration. This no-code or low-code approach follows the DRY principle and reduces code duplication, also ensures all forms in multiple applications have the same look and feel.
The framework is based . The forms use inputs and controls from in-house library of common components and extends functionality of formly to include custom complex fieldsets, inputs that can be dynamically added and removed, hidden and disabled based on user interactions.
The forms can come in 2 flavours - plain form and multi-step forms with complex workflows and behaviors.
Application engine framework
Implemented application engine framework to follow the DRY principle to reduce code duplication and increase code reuse for typical workbench application.
The framework receives app config loaded from backend and include elements like entitlements driven navigation, generic grid microfrontend with config - driven filters, config - driven grid based onag-grid and generic data pages.
Generic elements speed up development and allows to add pages, modules and microfrontends based on configuration without writing any code. At the same time custom implementation of each module is also possible when needed.